“If you love someone, let them go. If they come back, they’re yours; if they don’t, they never were.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, letting go is the ultimate act of love.” – Unknown

“Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.” – Deborah Reber

“Love is like a butterfly, holding it too tight will crush it, yet letting it fly away may lose it forever.” – Unknown

“Love is never lost. If not reciprocated, it will flow back and soften and purify the heart.” – Washington Irving

“You can love someone so much, but you can never love people as much as you can miss them.” – John Green

“Sometimes, it takes a heartbreak to shake us awake and help us see we are worth so much more than we’re settling for.” – Mandy Hale

“Love is a decision, not just a feeling. It’s not enough to just love, you must also be willing to let go when necessary.” – Unknown

“Sometimes you have to let go to see if there was anything worth holding on to.” – Unknown

“It hurts to let go, but sometimes it hurts more to hold on.” – Unknown

“The only way to let go of the past is to accept that what happened is part of your story, but not your entire story.” – Unknown

“The greatest gift you can give someone is the space to be their own person without the fear of judgment or abandonment.” – Unknown

“When love is real, it finds a way to come back. But sometimes, love also means letting go.” – Unknown

“If love becomes a burden, it’s time to set it free.” – Unknown UNCLE LIKE A FATHER QUOTES

“Sometimes, the only way to save yourself is to let someone go.” – Unknown

“Letting go isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength, self-respect, and self-love.” – Unknown

“Love is not about possession. It’s about appreciation.” – Osho

“When you let go of what you think should happen, you open up the possibility for something even better.” – Unknown

“You never lose by loving. You only lose by holding back.” – Barbara De Angelis

“Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.” – Steve Maraboli

“True love doesn’t mean being inseparable; it means being separate and still loving each other.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, love means having the courage to walk away when the time is right.” – Unknown

“Letting go is hard, but holding on to someone who doesn’t want to be held is even harder.” – Unknown

“Letting go isn’t giving up; it’s accepting that some things aren’t meant to be.” – Unknown

“You don’t lose true love by letting go; you lose it by holding on too tight.” – Unknown

“You have to love yourself enough to let go of someone who doesn’t love you back.” – Unknown