“Silence allows you to keep your thoughts to yourself, saving you from unnecessary trouble.” – Unknown

“In moments of anger, it is important to hold your tongue, for words spoken in haste can cause irreversible damage.” – Unknown

“Holding your tongue gives you the power to control the situation, rather than letting the situation control you.” – Unknown

“Sometimes it’s better to bite your tongue and let others have their say, rather than engaging in a pointless argument.” – Unknown

“Speak when your words can improve upon the silence.” – Unknown

“Holding your tongue is a sign of strength, not weakness.” – Unknown

“Pause before speaking, for words once spoken cannot be taken back.” – Unknown

“Saying nothing can speak volumes.” – Unknown

“A wise person knows when to hold their tongue and when to speak up.” – Unknown

“Silence can be one of the most powerful forms of self-expression.” – Unknown

“Silence is golden, especially when faced with ignorance.” – Unknown

“Sometimes holding your tongue is the best way to protect your peace.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT MOVING TO A NEW HOME

“Choose your words wisely, for you are the master of your own tongue.” – Unknown

“The more you hold your tongue, the more you invite peace into your life.” – Unknown

“The tongue is a powerful weapon, and sometimes the best defense is to not use it at all.” – Unknown

“Silence can be a shield against unnecessary drama.” – Unknown

“Silence is the ultimate weapon of power.” – Charles de Gaulle

“Think twice before you speak, for your words can either build or destroy.” – Unknown

“Hold your tongue, and you may just save a relationship.” – Unknown

“You don’t have to attend every argument you’re invited to.” – Unknown

“Silence speaks louder than words.” – Unknown

“Knowing when to speak is wisdom, knowing when not to is discipline.” – Unknown