“Sometimes you have to give up on someone not because you don’t care but because they don’t.” – Unknown

“Loving someone who doesn’t love you back is like hugging a cactus. The tighter you hold on, the more it hurts.” – Unknown

“Don’t be afraid to give up on someone who isn’t willing to fight for you.” – Unknown

“Sometimes giving up on someone is the best choice for your own sanity.” – Unknown

“You don’t let go of someone you love, you let go of someone who doesn’t love you.” – Unknown

“When it’s time to give up, don’t think of it as failure; think of it as letting go of something that just doesn’t belong to you anymore.” – Unknown

“Never give up on someone you can’t go a day without thinking about.” – Unknown

“It’s painful to let go of someone you love, but sometimes it’s the only way to save yourself from further heartache.” – Unknown

“It’s hard to give up on someone you’ve put everything into, but sometimes it’s necessary for your own personal growth.” – Unknown

“You can’t keep holding onto someone who has already let go.” – Unknown

“When the pain of holding on becomes greater than the fear of letting go, it’s time to let go.” – Unknown MOM QUOTES FROM DAUGHTER IN PUNJABI

“Letting go doesn’t mean you don’t care. It means you’re tired of carrying a burden that’s not yours to bear.” – Unknown

“Sometimes the best way to love someone is to let them go.” – Unknown

“If someone truly loves you, they won’t make you feel like you need to constantly fight for their attention or affection.” – Unknown

“You deserve someone who will never give up on you, not because they have to, but because they want to.” – Unknown

“Giving up on someone doesn’t mean you don’t love them, it simply means you recognize that they don’t belong in your life anymore.” – Unknown

“You can’t force someone to love you, and you can’t force yourself to keep loving someone.” – Unknown

“Sometimes you have to walk away from someone you love to find out if they’re willing to chase after you.” – Unknown

“You can’t hold onto someone who has already let go; it’s like trying to catch the wind.” – Unknown

“Giving up on someone is not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength and self-respect.” – Unknown