“An egotistical friend is like a mirror that only reflects their own image.” – Unknown

“Beware of friends whose ego takes priority over your feelings.” – Unknown

“Egotistical friends see conversations as an opportunity to talk about themselves, not to listen.” – Unknown

“An egotistical friend sees every situation as an opportunity to prove their superiority.” – Unknown

“Egotistical friends believe they are always right, leaving little room for differing opinions.” – Unknown

“True friends value your feelings over their ego.” – Unknown

“Egotistical friends tend to see your accomplishments as a threat to their own ego.” – Unknown

“A genuine friend will celebrate your successes, while an egotistical friend will try to one-up you.” – Unknown

“Egotistical friends always assume they are the most important person in any group or situation.” – Unknown

“An egotistical friend will use your vulnerabilities against you for their own gain.” – Unknown

“Egocentric friends love to have their ego stroked, but rarely offer genuine praise to others.” – Unknown

“An egotistical friend will never apologize, as they believe their ego is too important to admit any fault.” – Unknown

“Egotistical friends are more concerned with winning an argument than maintaining a healthy friendship.” – Unknown SOMETIMES I MISS YOU QUOTES

“True friends put their ego aside to prioritize the feelings and well-being of others.” – Unknown

“Egotistical friends often try to outshine everyone around them, making it difficult for genuine connections to flourish.” – Unknown

“True friends listen and empathize, while egotistical friends wait for their turn to speak.” – Unknown

“Egotistical friends tend to belittle the accomplishments of others in order to boost their own ego.” – Unknown

“Egotistical friends will rarely admit they are wrong, as their ego refuses to accept any flaws.” – Unknown

“True friends build each other up, while egotistical friends tear others down to elevate themselves.” – Unknown

“An egotistical friend will always find a way to make the conversation about themselves.” – Unknown

“Egotistical friends rarely express genuine concern for others, as their ego blinds them to the needs of those around them.” – Unknown

“True friends prioritize empathy and understanding, while egotistical friends prioritize their own ego.” – Unknown

“Egotistical friends love to be the center of attention, often overshadowing the achievements and struggles of others.” – Unknown

“An egotistical friend can drain your energy and self-worth, leaving you feeling insignificant in their presence.” – Unknown