“In the midst of darkness, light persists.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“The darkness of life is inevitable; it is how we choose to navigate it that defines us.” – Unknown

“Only in the darkness can you see the stars.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

“Sometimes we need the darkness to appreciate the light.” – Unknown

“The darkest night is often the bridge to the brightest tomorrow.” – Jonathan Lockwood Huie

“In the face of darkness, be the light.” – Unknown

“The heavier the darkness, the brighter the light will shine.” – Unknown

“Darkness is merely the absence of light; it is up to us to seek and create our own illumination.” – Unknown

“The night is darkest just before the dawn.” – Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight

“Even in darkness, there are sparks of hope waiting to be found.” – Unknown YOU LEFT ME BEAUTIFUL MEMORIES QUOTE

“Every shadow is evidence of light nearby.” – Unknown

“When you can’t find the light, be the light.” – Unknown

“Embrace the darkness within you, for it is where your true strength lies.” – Unknown

“Darkness reminds us to value and cherish the light when we find it.” – Unknown

“The beauty of life lies in its contrasting shades of light and dark.” – Unknown

“It is often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars.” – Richard Evans

“Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.” – Victor Hugo

“Darkness may try to overwhelm, but it can never extinguish the light within us.” – Unknown

“The depth of darkness to which you can descend and still live is an exact measure of the height to which you can aspire to reach.” – Pliny the Elder