“When you have a crush, your heart races every time you see them.” – Unknown

“A crush is a temporary infatuation, but it can last forever in your memories.” – Unknown

“Having a crush is like having an itch you can’t scratch.” – Unknown

“Crushes are like butterflies; beautiful to admire from afar, but nerve-wracking to approach.” – Unknown

“A crush is the perfect combination of excitement, nervousness, and curiosity.” – Unknown

“A crush is a little reminder that you deserve to feel butterflies.” – Unknown

“Having a crush feels like floating on a cloud, not knowing when you’ll touch the ground.” – Unknown

“Crushes are like flowers; they bloom and wither, but each one leaves a lasting impression.” – Unknown

“A crush is like a sneak peek into a wonderland that may or may not become reality.” – Unknown

“Crushes are mysteries waiting to be unraveled, destinies waiting to be discovered.” – Unknown

“A crush is like a puzzle, and every stolen glance and shared smile is a piece you want to collect.” – Unknown

“Having a crush is like having your heart stolen, but you’re allowing it to be taken.” – Unknown I WANT YOUR HEART QUOTES

“A crush is a tiny flame that can ignite the spark of love.” – Unknown

“Having a crush is like floating on a raft in a sea of possibilities.” – Unknown

“A crush is the beginning of a story that could either become a fairy tale or a bittersweet memory.” – Unknown

“Crushes are lessons in patience, reminding us that good things come to those who wait.” – Unknown

“Having a crush is like staring at a painting, captivated by its beauty and lost in thoughts.” – Unknown

“A crush is a dance between two souls, hoping their steps align.” – Unknown

“Crushes are whispers of the heart, longing to be heard.” – Unknown

“Having a crush is like having a secret garden in your heart, waiting to bloom.” – Unknown

“A crush is a rollercoaster of emotions, with every rise and fall leaving you breathless.” – Unknown

“Crushes are the stars that light up our night sky, even if we can’t reach them.” – Unknown

“Having a crush is like walking on a tightrope, balancing between hope and fear.” – Unknown