“Cheese is milk’s leap toward immortality.” – Clifton Fadiman

“A meal without cheese is like a beautiful woman with only one eye.” – Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin

“Cheese is the poetry of food.” – Pierre Androuët

“Age is of no importance unless you are a cheese.” – Billie Burke

“Friends are like cheese, they get better with age.” – Unknown

“The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it… especially when it comes to cheese.” – Oscar Wilde

“A friend without cheese is like a life without sunshine.” – Spanish Proverb

“Friends are like good cheese – they only get better with time.” – Unknown

“Cheese is milk’s leap towards friendship.” – Unknown

“Cheese and good friends are two of life’s greatest pleasures.” – Unknown

“Cheese may not solve all of your problems, but it’s a great start, especially with friends.” – Unknown

“Good cheese and good friends make everything better.” – Unknown

“Friends and cheese make the bad times easier to swallow.” – Unknown

“Friendship is like cheese. It gets stronger with time.” – Unknown

“In cheese, as in friendship, quality is more important than quantity.” – Unknown

“Cheese doesn’t judge you; it just loves you unconditionally, like good friends.” – Unknown PETTY WORK QUOTES

“Cheese and friends are always a winning combination.” – Unknown

“Friends and cheese – the perfect pairing.” – Unknown

“Cheese is the binding ingredient that holds friendships together.” – Unknown

“A true friend is like a good piece of cheese – always there to comfort and nourish you.” – Unknown

“Cheese and friends both leave a lasting impression.” – Unknown

“The best way to judge a person is by the type of cheese they prefer.” – Unknown

“Friends are the cheese to my macaroni.” – Unkown

“Cheese is the glue that holds the circle of friends together.” – Unknown

“Cheese is the gift that keeps on giving, just like true friends.” – Unknown

“Cheese and friends add flavor to life.” – Unknown

“Good friends are like good cheese – they are a delight to be around.” – Unknown

“Cheese is the ingredient that turns a stranger into a friend.” – Unknown

“Cheese is the secret ingredient that spices up any friendship.” – Unknown

“A true friend is like a good cheese – always there to bring joy and richness to life.” – Unknown