“It’s not enough to speak, you must also be heard.” – Auliq Ice

“Being heard is not the same as being understood.” – Peter Drucker

“Silence is not the absence of sound, but the absence of being heard.” – Anthony Liccione

“Never underestimate the power of being heard.” – Marcia Wieder

“True communication goes beyond speaking, it’s about being heard.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Being heard is not just about using your voice, it’s about making an impact.” – Unknown

“The most powerful person in the room is the one who commands attention and is heard by all.” – Unknown

“Being heard is a basic human need, just like breathing.” – Linda Sue Park

“Your voice matters, so speak up and make sure you’re heard.” – Unknown

“Don’t let anyone silence you; your thoughts, opinions, and experiences deserve to be heard.” – Unknown

“Being heard is empowering, it gives you a sense of validation and importance.” – Unknown

“The beauty of being heard lies in the connection it creates between individuals.” – Unknown WORSHIP GOD QUOTES BIBLE

“The first step towards change is speaking up and ensuring your voice is heard.” – Unknown

“Your words may be soft, but their impact can be immense if they are truly heard.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, being heard is all a person needs to heal.” – Unknown

“Being heard is about more than just having your words acknowledged; it’s about feeling understood.” – Unknown

“Communication is incomplete if the message is not truly heard and understood.” – Unknown

“To truly be heard, one must listen with an open heart and mind.” – Unknown

“Being heard is a privilege, so use your voice wisely and make it count.” – Unknown

“Express yourself fearlessly, for being heard is a fundamental right.” – Unknown

“The world needs more listeners, those who truly hear and understand others.” – Unknown

“Don’t let the fear of not being heard stop you from speaking up; your voice matters.” – Unknown

“Being heard is a gift, cherish it, and use it to make a difference.” – Unknown