“Disappointment is a heavy burden when it stems from someone you love.” – V.C. Andrews

“When you love someone deeply, their disappointments become yours.” – Anonymous

“It hurts to be disappointed by someone you thought would never let you down.” – Anonymous

“Disappointment in someone you love is like a dagger to the heart, it leaves a lasting pain.” – Anonymous

“It’s heartbreaking when the person you love disappoints you.” – Anonymous

“Disappointment in love is inevitable, but it still hurts like nothing else.” – Anonymous

“Disappointment is inevitable when expectations are high and trust is broken in someone you love.” – Anonymous

“Loving someone means risking disappointment, yet it still cuts deep when it happens.” – Anonymous

“The disappointment of being let down by someone you love is a bitter pill to swallow.” – Anonymous

“When you love someone, their actions or lack thereof can be a source of immense disappointment.” – Anonymous

“Disappointment in love often comes from unmet expectations.” – Anonymous

“Love can blind us to someone’s flaws, only to be disappointed when we finally see them.” – Anonymous

“Trusting someone implicitly can intensify the feeling of disappointment when they let you down.” – Anonymous

“Disappointment in someone you love can leave you feeling shattered and lost.” – Anonymous

“It’s disheartening when the person you love disappoints you over and over again.” – Anonymous

“Disappointment in love can make you question everything you thought you knew.” – Anonymous GOOD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PERSON QUOTES

“Being disappointed by the one you love is a special kind of pain, one that lingers.” – Anonymous

“Loving someone doesn’t protect you from disappointment, it exposes you to it.” – Anonymous

“Disappointment in love reveals the vulnerabilities we have with those closest to us.” – Anonymous

“Disappointment in someone you love challenges the foundation of trust you’ve built.” – Anonymous

“It’s sad when the person you love disappoints you, but it’s important to remember that no one is perfect.” – Anonymous

“Disappointment in love can teach you valuable lessons about yourself and what you truly deserve.” – Anonymous

“Disappointment in someone you love can make you reevaluate the relationship and your own expectations.” – Anonymous

“Remember that disappointment in love is temporary, and healing is possible with time and reflection.” – Anonymous

“Disappointment in someone you love can be an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.” – Anonymous

“Disappointment in love is a reminder that we are all flawed, including those we hold dearest.” – Anonymous

“Even though it hurts, disappointment in someone you love can lead to a stronger bond if both parties are willing to work on it.” – Anonymous

“It’s important to communicate your disappointment to the person you love, as it can help foster understanding and change.” – Anonymous

“Disappointment in love can either break you or make you stronger; choose resilience.” – Anonymous

“In times of disappointment, remember that love is a journey with ups and downs, and it’s how we navigate through them that truly matters.” – Anonymous