“The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand, we listen to reply.” – Unknown

“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” – Albert Einstein

“The hardest part about arguing with someone you love is that they know how to hurt you the most.” – Unknown

“Never ruin a good today by thinking about a bad yesterday.” – Unknown

“Arguing with someone you love is worth it because it means you allow room for growth and understanding.” – Unknown

“The goal is to win the argument by losing it; to understand instead of being right.” – Unknown

“In an argument, the best weapon you can have is silence.” – Unknown

“The most important thing in an argument is not who is right, but what is right.” – Unknown

“When you argue with someone you love, do not let the sun go down on your anger.” – Unknown

“When arguing with someone you love, remember that you’re on the same team.” – Unknown

“Arguing with a loved one doesn’t mean you don’t love each other, it simply means you’re passionate about finding a solution.” – Unknown

“Sometimes it’s better to be kind than to be right. We do not need an intelligent mind that speaks, but a patient heart that listens.” – Unknown

“The purpose of arguments in a relationship is not to win but to understand.” – Unknown

“When love is deep, arguments are bound to happen, but you both should know how to resolve them.” – Unknown

“An argument doesn’t have to be the end. Two people who love each other can mend their ways.” – Unknown APOLLO 13 FAMOUS QUOTES

“Arguments may tremble love, but they also help fortify its foundation.” – Unknown

“In every argument, remember that there’s a person on the other side who loves you and wants the best for you.” – Unknown

“Reacting in anger will never resolve an argument; responding with love might.” – Unknown

“Arguments happen even between the closest people, but love is what keeps them together.” – Unknown

“Holding onto anger after an argument is like holding onto hot coal, you’re the one who gets burned.” – Buddha

“An argument can’t break a relationship where there is love, but silence can.” – Unknown

“When arguing with someone you love, it’s important to remember that you’re not enemies; you’re teammates working towards a solution.” – Unknown

“The best way to win an argument with someone you love is to listen without prejudice and speak with compassion.” – Unknown

“Choose your words wisely in an argument with a loved one, for they have the power to either heal or wound.” – Unknown

“It is better to understand than be understood; it is better to love than be loved; it is better to give than to receive.” – Unknown

“We may not always agree, but that doesn’t mean we can’t love and respect each other.” – Unknown

“Arguments can be an opportunity to grow closer if we approach them with empathy and understanding.” – Unknown

“True love isn’t about never arguing, it’s about finding ways to come back together even after the arguments.” – Unknown

“In the end, what matters most is not who won or lost the argument, but that love always triumphs.” – Unknown