“Alcohol may help you forget your problems temporarily, but it also has the power to ruin relationships permanently.” – Unknown

“Alcohol can turn the laughter and joy in a relationship into tears and sorrow.” – Unknown

“Alcoholism is a thief that steals love, trust, and happiness from relationships.” – Unknown

“The more alcohol takes over, the less room there is for love and understanding in a relationship.” – Unknown

“Alcohol can turn a once-loving partner into a stranger filled with anger and resentment.” – Unknown

“A relationship built on alcohol is destined to crumble under the weight of its destructive force.” – Unknown

“Alcohol ruins relationships by eroding trust, distorting reality, and fostering destructive behavior.” – Unknown

“Love is beautiful, but alcohol can make it ugly and unrecognizable.” – Unknown

“When alcohol becomes the third wheel in a relationship, it often drives a wedge between two people.” – Unknown

“Alcohol may numb the pain temporarily, but it also numbs the love and connection in a relationship.” – Unknown

“Alcohol can drown a relationship in a sea of broken promises and shattered trust.” – Unknown QUOTES ABOUT BEING THANKFUL FOR GOOD FRIENDS

“Relationships can be strained and destroyed by the constant battle with alcohol and its consequences.” – Unknown

“Alcohol destroys relationships by blurring the lines between love and abuse.” – Unknown

“In a relationship, alcohol can become the antagonist that tears two people apart.” – Unknown

“Alcohol may be a temporary escape, but it ultimately leads to a permanent disconnection.” – Unknown

“Alcoholism can turn the strongest love into the weakest link in a relationship.” – Unknown

“Alcohol can transform a loving partner into a manipulative and self-destructive person.” – Unknown

“A relationship poisoned by alcoholism is like a beautiful flower slowly withering away.” – Unknown

“Alcohol may offer temporary pleasure, but it often brings long-term pain and heartache to a relationship.” – Unknown

“When alcohol takes control, love fades away, and relationships crumble.” – Unknown

“If you choose alcohol over your relationship, remember that love won’t stick around forever.” – Unknown