“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“I don’t see why someone should lose their life just so you can have a snack.” – Russell Brand

“Being vegan is not about being perfect, it’s about making a conscious effort to reduce harm and suffering.” – Unknown

“I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being.” – Abraham Lincoln

“If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian.” – Paul McCartney

“The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.” – Leonardo da Vinci

“The question is not, ‘Can they reason?’ nor, ‘Can they talk?’ but rather, ‘Can they suffer?'” – Jeremy Bentham

“Animals are my friends…and I don’t eat my friends.” – George Bernard Shaw

“Veganism is not a sacrifice, it’s a joy.” – Gary L. Francione

“To eat meat is to support the cycle of cruelty and suffering. Choose compassion over taste.” – Anonymous

“Animals are not ingredients for profit; they are living beings with inherent value and rights.” – Unknown

“You cannot love animals and consume them at the same time. Veganism is the only way to truly show compassion.” – Emily Moran Barwick

“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” – Robert Swan

“Veganism is not a diet; it’s a choice to live in alignment with your values.” – Unknown

“Every creature is better alive than dead, men and moose and pine trees, and he who understands it aright will rather preserve its life than destroy it.” – Henry David Thoreau

“Veganism is not extreme, slaughtering billions of animals each year is.” – Unknown LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND QUOTE

“Veganism is not a sacrifice we make; it’s a gift we give to ourselves, the animals, and the planet.” – Zoe Weil

“Choose kindness over cruelty. Choose veganism.” – Unknown

“Animals are not commodities; they are sentient beings who deserve our respect and protection.” – Unknown

“When a man loves animals, the love of others follows.” – John Wooden

“Veganism is the future, and the future is now.” – Unknown

“Animals are not here for our use, but for their own purpose.” – Wayne Pacelle

“Veganism is the answer to so many of our world’s problems: animal cruelty, climate change, and health issues. It’s a win-win-win.” – Unknown

“Veganism is not about how hard it is for you, it’s about how hard it is for the animals.” – Unknown

“The most ethical diet just so happens to be the most environmentally sound diet and just so happens to be the healthiest.” – Dr. Michael Greger

“The life of an animal is just as precious as your own. Choose veganism to save lives.” – Unknown

“The only diet that promotes love, compassion, and respect for all beings is a vegan diet.” – Unknown

“Be the voice for the voiceless. Choose veganism.” – Unknown

“There is no fundamental difference between man and animals in their ability to feel pleasure and pain, happiness and misery.” – Charles Darwin

“Veganism is not just a personal choice; it’s a global movement towards a more compassionate and sustainable future.” – Unknown