“Sometimes, life breaks us so we can become stronger in the broken places.” – Unknown

“Life is tough, my darling, but so are you.” – Stephanie Bennett-Henry

“In the midst of winter, I found there was within me an invincible summer.” – Albert Camus

“Stars can’t shine without darkness.” – D.H. Sidebottom

“The human capacity for burden is like bamboo – far more flexible than you’d ever believe at first glance.” – Jodi Picoult

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” – Khalil Gibran

“The harder the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.” – Unknown

“Every adversity, every failure, every heartbreak, carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit.” – Napoleon Hill

“Sometimes you have to get knocked down lower than you have ever been to stand back up taller than you ever were.” – Unknown

“Breathe and trust the process. Breakdowns often lead to breakthroughs.” – Unknown

“The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” – Ernest Hemingway INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES FOR THE NEW YEAR 2023

“One life can change the world. Don’t let the world change you.” – Unknown

“Difficulties in life are intended to make us better, not bitter.” – Dan Reeves

“The broken will always be able to love harder than most because once you’ve been in the dark, you learn to appreciate everything that shines.” – Anonymous

“Don’t be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others.” – Unknown

“It’s okay to be a glow stick; sometimes we need to break before we can shine.” – Unknown

“Fall down seven times, stand up eight.” – Japanese Proverb

“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.” – Haruki Murakami

“Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.” – Steve Maraboli

“Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life.” – J.K. Rowling

“The phoenix must burn to emerge.” – Janet Fitch