“Falling in love is not a choice; staying in love is.” – Unknown

“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” – Dr. Seuss

“Falling in love is easy. Falling in love with the same person repeatedly is extraordinary.” – Crystal Woods

“Love is like falling. You never know when you’re going to hit the ground, but you hope it’s a soft landing.” – Kirsten Dunst

“Falling in love is a wonderfully terrifying sensation.” – Steve Maraboli

“Falling in love is easy, but staying in love requires effort.” – Terry Goodkind

“Falling in love is like jumping off a really tall building: your brain tells you it is not a good idea, but your heart tells you, you can fly.” – Anonymous

“Falling in love is like holding a candle. Initially, it lightens up the world around you. Then it starts melting and hurts you. Finally, it goes off, and everything is darker than ever, and all you are left with is the… burns on your hands!” – Anonymous

“Falling in love is not a habit; it happens naturally.” – Madeleine L’Engle

“Falling in love is unpredictable; it’s why they call it falling.” – Anonymous

“Falling in love is like discovering a hidden treasure within yourself.” – Parveen Sharma

“Falling in love is like giving someone a loaded gun and trusting them not to shoot you.” – Misti Hemlock

“Falling in love is the easiest thing you’re ever gonna do. It’s the most exciting thing, the most powerful thing. If falling in love is so simple, why is dating so elaborate?” – Rebecca Serle

“Falling in love is like holding a mirror up to yourself so you can really see who you are.” – Tyga

“Falling in love is reckless, and it might break you. But, it is still worth every risk because it’s the most beautiful feeling in the world.” – Anonymous BURA WAQT QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“Falling in love is not a one-time event; it is a daily decision.” – Steve Harvey

“Falling in love is not just a feeling; it is a commitment to care for someone beyond yourself.” – Unknown

“Falling in love is addictive, beautiful, painful, exhilarating, frustrating, and everything in between.” – Anonymous

“Falling in love is like jumping into a river; if you know how to swim, it’s great, but if you don’t, it could be disastrous.” – Anonymous

“Falling in love is when two broken souls become one perfectly imperfect entity.” – Anonymous

“Falling in love is an act of surrender. It is allowing yourself to be vulnerable, knowing that you might get hurt.” – Anonymous

“Falling in love is jumping off a cliff, while believing that someone will be there to catch you.” – J.C. Reed

“Falling in love is like opening Pandora’s box; you never know what awaits you inside, but the journey is worth every uncertainty.” – Anonymous

“Falling in love is an endless dance; sometimes leading, sometimes following, but always in perfect harmony.” – Anonymous

“Falling in love is like a roller coaster ride; it has its ups and downs, but it’s the thrilling journey that makes it worth it.” – Anonymous

“Falling in love is like finding your missing piece in a puzzle; suddenly, everything falls into place.” – Anonymous

“Falling in love is giving someone the power to destroy you, but trusting them not to.” – Anonymous

“Falling in love is not a sign of weakness; it’s a testament to the strength of your heart.” – Unknown