Unfortunately, I cannot provide you with specific quotes as I am not capable of browsing the internet or accessing external sources. However, I can help you with generating some funny quotes in the style of Princess Diana:

“I don’t go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me, and then I make it dress up and look fabulous!”

“I once tried to join the circus, but they said I was already living a royal circus life!”

“I’m not just a princess, I’m a pro at giving royal side-eye.”

“If there’s a tiara, there’s a way!”

“I believe in fairytales, mostly because I’ve lived one!”

“Remember, if life gives you lemons, make sure they’re served on a silver platter.”

“Age is just a number, but a crown is forever.”

“I may be a princess, but I’m still waiting for my talking animal sidekick.”

“I was born to stand out, not blend in. That’s why I always wear the biggest hats!”

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the sassiest princess of them all? Me, obviously!”

“I never worry about wrinkles, they’re just proof that I’ve spent my life smiling and laughing!”

“I’m not high-maintenance, I’m royally demanding!”

“Dancing like no one is watching is easy when you have a castle full of staff to make sure no one is watching.” QUOTE ABOUT LOSING FRIENDS AND GAINING NEW ONES

“My palace may be grand, but my sense of humor is even more fabulous!”

“I don’t need a knight in shining armor, I need someone to handle my tiaras and fix my wardrobe malfunctions!”

“Who needs a fairy godmother when you have an unlimited credit card?”

“I don’t follow trends, I set them. And by trends, I mean royal fashion, darling!”

“If you can’t handle my crown, then you can’t handle me.”

“I can’t help it if my smile is brighter than the Buckingham Palace lights!”

“A royal wave may look easy, but trust me, it takes years of practice to nail that perfect wrist flick!”

“I may be a princess, but I still know how to rock a messy bun and slippers on a lazy day.”

“I asked my fairy godmother for a prince, but she gave me a credit card instead. I think she misunderstood.”

“Being a princess means never having to wait in line for the latest fashion trends!”

“I was born to be wild, I just happen to wear tiaras while doing it!”

“You can take the girl out of the castle, but you can’t take the sparkle out of her style!”