“Why don’t you stick a lampshade on your head and call yourself ‘sunshine’?” – Fat Amy

“I have a cardiothoracic surgeon who can do heart surgery with a knife made out of a spoon.” – Chloe

“I’m really good at making lists. It’s like a sick and twisted game for me.” – Aubrey

“I ate my twin in the womb.” – Fat Amy

“I auditioned for The Voice and they said I sounded like a goat being beaten to death.” – Fat Amy

“How much have you had to drink tonight?” – Bumper “A lot! But I’m okay. Gettin’ mermaid wasted!” – Fat Amy

“I crushed, like, 15 Red Bulls before breakfast.” – Lilly

“I’m not a lesbian. I’m attracted to manly women and very effeminate men.” – Cynthia Rose

“I have a feeling we should kiss. Is that a good feeling or an incorrect feeling?” – Beca

“If you can’t sing good, sing loud!” – Fat Amy

“Guys, our backs are driving people gay. We can’t have that.” – Lily

“Oh, I can taste it. I’ll run the Iron Man?” – Fat Amy

“You guys are gonna get pitch-slapped so hard, your man boobs are gonna concave.” – Fat Amy QUOTES ON MOTHER TONGUE

“Keep your mixers off our pitch!” – Aubrey

“Just call us L.S.F.T. – Ladies Sluttin’ Fresh Today.” – Fat Amy

“Even though some of you are pretty thin, you all have fat hearts, and that’s what matters.” – Fat Amy

“I think I just bit something I shouldn’t have.” – Cynthia Rose

“You mean bulldozed its metaphorical balls?” – Becca

“I can sing while doing handstands and I can sing while juggling. I can totally sing while spinning around with my eyes closed in a German beret.” – Fat Amy

“You girls love each other this much? Aww, that’s cute. Your kisses are so much hotter than mine.” – Fat Amy

“All I’m saying is that if you stay with me tonight, you won’t regret it.” – Bumper “Well, I can guarantee I’ll regret it.” – Fat Amy

“We put the ‘arrangement’ in ‘disarrangement’!” – Chloe

“You are gonna get pitch-slapped so hard that your man boobs are gonna concave.” – Fat Amy

“I set fire to my parent’s house when I was I’m surprised I still have eyebrows.” – Fat Amy

“It’s a mother-daughter bonding activity. It’s like getting a trust fall partner for life.” – Fat Amy