“By order of the Peaky Blinders.”

“I’m the fucking Peaky Blinder.”

“We’re the Peaky Blinders, and today we drink.”

“You can change what you do, but you can’t change what you want.”

“The only way to deal with the devil is to challenge him.”

“I’m not a traitor, I’m a fucking gangster.”

“Every good gangster knows when to pull the trigger.”

“The truth is, there’s no safety in this life, only opportunity.”

“It’s a jungle. And the weak get eaten.”

“Family is everything. Family is the only thing that matters.”

“Savage behavior brings savage responses.”

“You can change your stars, Tommy.”

“In this life, you have to fight dirty to get ahead.”

“It’s the people you love who can hurt you the most.” HEART OF DARKNESS QUOTE ANALYSIS

“A man will lose his life for the wrong thing, but he won’t lose his life for the right thing.”

“You can’t make deals with the devil, because the devil will always win.”

“We’re not children anymore. We can handle ourselves.”

“We don’t get sad, we get even.”

“There’s no rest for the wicked, and there’s none for the Peaky Blinders.”

“A man who can’t handle his drink is never worth trusting.”

“Sometimes violence is a necessary evil.”

“We don’t run from danger. We run towards it.”

“Our enemies are closer than we think.”

“We’re not just criminals, we’re businessmen.”

“We’re the Peaky Blinders, and we’re just getting started.”

“There’s a reason they call us the kings of the underworld.”

“We’re all alone in the end, so we might as well do what we want.”