“Change your thoughts and you change your world.” – Norman Vincent Peale

“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” – John F. Kennedy

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” – John C. Maxwell

“Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change.” – Jim Rohn

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” – Maya Angelou

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.” – Alan Watts

“Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay.” – Simone de Beauvoir

“Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.” – Barack Obama

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” – Albert Einstein

“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.” – Charles Darwin

“Change your thinking, change your life.” – Brian Tracy

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw

“If you want to make a permanent change, stop focusing on the size of your problems and start focusing on the size of you!” – T. Harv Eker

“To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” – Winston Churchill HAPPY ANNIVERSARY FUNNY QUOTES FOR WIFE

“Change your habits, change your life.” – James Clear

“Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become.” – Reinhold Niebuhr

“Change is the process by which the future invades our lives.” – Alvin Toffler

“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude.” – Oprah Winfrey

“Change your circumstances by changing your thoughts.” – Mark Victor Hansen

“Change your story, change your life.” – Lisa Nichols

“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” – George Bernard Shaw

“Change is not only inevitable, but it is always happening. Embrace it, because it’s the only way to grow.” – Unknown

“The only way to change the world is to begin with yourself.” – Dalai Lama

“If you’re not willing to change, don’t expect your life to.” – Unknown

“You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” – C.S. Lewis

“In order to change, we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.” – Unknown

“Don’t fear change. Embrace it and let it guide you towards new possibilities.” – Unknown