“The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” – Job 1:21

“God is the only one who can decide when it’s time for a soul to return to Him.”

“No man can escape death at the appointed time set by God.”

“God decides the hour of our birth and the hour of our departure.”

“Life and death are in the hands of God alone.”

“God holds the power to bring life and take it away, for He is the ultimate creator.”

“We are only temporary residents on this earth, and God determines when our time here is over.”

“The length of our days is solely determined by God’s divine plan.”

“Death is God’s way of calling us back to Him.”

“Only God knows the purpose and timing of every life’s end.”

“Our days are numbered by God, and He alone can extend or shorten them.”

“We are all mortal beings subject to God’s divine will.”

“God decides when the curtain falls on our earthly journey.” FEELING LOW QUOTES IN ENGLISH

“In God’s hands, life begins and ends according to His sovereign purpose.”

“The breath of life is a gift from God, and He alone can take it away.”

“No man can prolong his life or hasten its end without God’s permission.”

“We must trust in God’s wisdom and timing when it comes to the end of life.”

“Even in death, God’s purpose is at work, fulfilling His plans for eternity.”

“Death is not the end, but a transition in God’s divine plan.”

“God’s perfect timing extends to the end of our earthly journey.”

“We must surrender our lives to God, knowing that He alone holds the key to our final breath.”

“Our bodies are temples created by God, and He decides when to reclaim them.”

“Death is a reminder of our humility before the Almighty, reminding us that only God has ultimate control over life and death.”

“Only God can take life because only He possesses the power to create and destroy.”