“Not everyone who smiles at you is your friend. Be cautious of those who only show up when they need something from you.”

“You’ll soon realize that some people are just there for the good times and disappear when you need them the most.”

“The true test of friendship is not how many friends you have when things are going well, but how many stick around when life gets tough.”

“Fair-weathered friends are easy to come by, but true friends are the ones who stand by you even in the stormiest weather.”

“When the going gets tough, you quickly realize who your real friends are.”

“You can’t expect everyone to be there for you in your darkest moments. It’s a sad reality, but it’s better to know it sooner than later.”

“People’s loyalty is often conditional. Don’t be surprised when some disappear when their conditions are no longer met.”

“Some relationships are based on convenience, not genuine care. Don’t expect loyalty from those who are only looking out for themselves.”

“True friends won’t just be there when it’s convenient for them, but when it’s inconvenient and challenging for them too.”

“Don’t waste your energy chasing after those who won’t be there for you. Focus on those who have proven they are worth your time and effort.”

“In times of trouble, you’ll realize that many who claimed to care were only interested in seeing your success, not supporting you through failure.”

“People will show their true colors when you’re at your lowest. Pay attention to who remains by your side and who fades away.”

“It’s better to have a few loyal friends than a large group of fair-weathered companions.” HUSBAND WIFE HAPPY QUOTES

“Real friends are like stars; you don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there.”

“Sometimes, the support you need comes from unexpected sources. Don’t limit yourself to certain people; keep your heart open to new connections.”

“Those who truly care about you will always find a way to be there, no matter the distance or circumstance.”

“Trust is earned, not given. Be cautious of those who haven’t earned your trust but expect you to always be there for them.”

“True friends are like a rare gem; they are hard to find, but once you find them, they are invaluable.”

“Don’t be disheartened when people let you down. Instead, be grateful for the opportunity to filter out those who aren’t meant to be in your life.”

“It’s better to walk alone than to be surrounded by people who only bring you down.”

“Not everyone will be there for you, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be there for yourself. Learn to rely on your own strength and resilience.”

“A true friend is one who sees the pain in your eyes even when you’re smiling.”

“Don’t hold on to relationships out of fear of being alone. Sometimes, being alone is better than being surrounded by those who don’t truly value you.”

“Everyone will be there for the party, but only a few will be there for the cleanup.”

“In times of need, focus on those who are present, not those who are absent. It’s their loyalty that truly matters.”