“Everything is temporary, even the pain that you feel right now.”

“Change is the only constant in life.”

“People come and go, but memories stay forever.”

“Just like seasons, people change too.”

“Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes.”

“The only permanent thing in life is impermanence.”

“Enjoy the moment, for it will not last forever.”

“Attachments lead to suffering. Let go and embrace impermanence.”

“Nothing lasts forever, so make the most of what you have now.”

“Change is the pathway to growth and fulfillment.”

“In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take and the relationships we didn’t pursue.”

“Don’t hold onto something that no longer serves you.”

“People change, and so do their priorities.” QUOTES ABOUT DOGS AND LIFE

“The temporary pain of letting go is better than the long-term agony of holding on.”

“The only thing permanent in life is the need to adapt to impermanence.”

“When you accept that nothing is permanent, you can find peace in the present moment.”

“Don’t cling onto something for fear of losing it. Embrace the joy of having it while it lasts.”

“Learn to appreciate the transient beauty of life’s moments.”

“Life is a constant flow, with people and experiences coming and going.”

“The only constant in life is change, so embrace it with open arms.”

“Let go of the past, live in the present, and welcome the future with open arms.”

“The impermanence of life reminds us to treasure every moment we have.”

“No one stays forever, so make the most of the time you have with them.”

“Don’t build your happiness on the foundation of someone else’s presence, because they may not always be there.”

“When you understand that nothing is permanent, you can let go of the fear of losing and truly live in the present.”