“I’m such a failure; I can’t seem to get anything right.”

“I always make the wrong decisions.”

“I’m so stupid; I can’t believe I did that.”

“I’m not good enough; I’ll never measure up.”

“I’ll never be successful; I don’t have what it takes.”

“I’m so lazy; I never accomplish anything.”

“I’m too clumsy; I always mess things up.”

“I’m so unattractive; no one could ever find me desirable.”

“I’m a burden to everyone around me.”

“I’m such a disappointment.”

“I’m always letting people down.”

“I’ll never be happy; I don’t deserve it.”

“I’m too weak; I can’t handle difficult situations.”

“I’m so awkward; I can’t hold a conversation.”

“I’m a complete mess; I can’t keep my life together.” HAPPY MOTHERS DAY QUOTES FOR STEPMOMS

“I’m so forgetful; I can’t remember anything.”

“I’m such a klutz; I always make a fool of myself.”

“I’m so unimportant; no one really cares about me.”

“I’m so undesirable; no one will ever love me.”

“I’m so incompetent; I can’t do anything right.”

“I’m so boring; no one finds me interesting.”

“I’m such a loser; I can’t achieve anything.”

“I’m not worthy of success or happiness.”

“I’m so disorganized; I can never stay on top of things.”

“I’m so weak-willed; I can’t resist temptations.”

“I’m so unlovable; no one will ever truly care for me.”

“I’m such a disappointment to my family.”

“I’m always second best; I never come out on top.”

“I’m so untalented; I’ll never achieve greatness.”