“I am my own worst enemy.”

“I constantly doubt myself.”

“I never feel good enough.”

“I can’t seem to escape my own flaws.”

“I am my own biggest critic.”

“I always compare myself to others and come up short.”

“I sabotage my own success.”

“I believe I am destined to fail.”

“I am a constant disappointment to myself.”

“I don’t deserve happiness or success.”

“I’m stuck in a cycle of self-destructive behavior.”

“I don’t trust myself to make the right decisions.” FAMOUS QUOTES ABOUT FEELING HAPPY

“I am afraid to take risks because I fear failure.”

“I don’t believe in my own abilities.”

“I am consumed by self-doubt.”

“I am my own biggest obstacle to happiness.”

“I feel trapped in my own negative thoughts.”

“I don’t love or accept myself for who I am.”

“I am constantly overwhelmed by self-criticism.”

“I am plagued by insecurities and self-doubt.”

“I feel like a failure in all aspects of my life.”

“I am filled with self-loathing and negativity.”