“When all seems lost, remember that Allah is the best of planners.”

“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”

“The depth of sadness is the measure of God’s nearness.”

“O Allah! Grant me a heart that finds solace in Your remembrance.”

“Sometimes the greatest test in life is to have the strength to let go.”

“Sadness is a reminder that we are in need of Allah’s comfort and mercy.”

“In hardship, there is ease. In sadness, there is Allah’s compassion.”

“Difficulties are a test of faith, and patience is the vehicle that carries us through.”

“Remember, after every storm, there is a rainbow waiting to shine upon you.”

“Sadness is a sign to turn closer to Allah, for only He can heal a broken heart.”

“The tears we shed in hardships today will become the strength we carry tomorrow.”

“Sadness is the bridge that connects us to our Lord in times of heartache.”

“Allah tests those He loves the most, for they have the strength to overcome.”

“Trust in Allah’s plan, even when you don’t understand the sadness in your path.”

“When sadness overtakes you, seek refuge in the prayers that soothe your soul.”

“Allah has a plan, and sometimes it includes temporary pain for a long-lasting gain.” AGE BEFORE BEAUTY QUOTES

“Trust in Allah’s timing, for His plan is better than anything you could ever conceive.”

“Sadness is a pathway to growth and spiritual enlightenment if we embrace it with faith.”

“Sorrow reminds us of our ultimate reliance on Allah and our need for His divine guidance.”

“In the toughest moments, remember that Allah’s love and mercy are infinitely greater.”

“When you feel empty inside, let Allah’s presence fill the void and bring you solace.”

“Do not grieve, for Allah is with you and the path to healing begins with His remembrance.”

“Sadness is the soil in which our faith grows, nurturing our connection with Allah.”

“Even in the depths of pain, remember that Allah’s love for you knows no bounds.”

“Through sadness, we learn humility, compassion, and find strength in our connection with Allah.”

“Allow the tears to flow, for they cleanse the heart and wash away the heaviness of sorrow.”

“In despair, turn to Allah and seek solace in His mercy, for He is always near the brokenhearted.”

“Do not fear sadness, for it is a temporary state leading to eventual tranquility and peace.”

“Allah’s plan for you is greater than anything that has caused you sadness. Trust in His wisdom.”

“Sadness is a catalyst for growth and transformation. Embrace it, for it will strengthen your faith.”