“Money can’t buy love, but it sure can break a relationship.” – Unknown

“When money becomes the priority, love takes a backseat.” – Unknown

“The love of money can tear apart even the strongest of relationships.” – Unknown

“Money problems can create cracks in the foundation of a relationship.” – Unknown

“A relationship built on money is a relationship bound to fail.” – Unknown

“Money can blind us to the true value of our relationships.” – Unknown

“Money has a way of exposing the true motives and intentions within a relationship.” – Unknown

“When money becomes a source of contention, it can break a relationship beyond repair.” – Unknown

“Money can turn friends into enemies, and lovers into strangers.” – Unknown

“The pursuit of money can lead to the loss of something far more precious – our relationships.” – Unknown

“Money can create a power dynamic that strains the balance within a relationship.” – Unknown

“Money can make us forget what really matters in life – our connections with others.” – Unknown GOOD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PERSON QUOTES

“When money becomes the focus, relationships can crumble under the weight of materialism.” – Unknown

“Money has the power to make people act in ways that are detrimental to their relationships.” – Unknown

“Money can amplify the cracks in a relationship, making them impossible to ignore.” – Unknown

“A relationship rooted in materialism is like building on a shaky foundation – it won’t last long.” – Unknown

“Money can bring out the worst in people, leading to betrayal and heartbreak in relationships.” – Unknown

“When money becomes the measure of love and worthiness, relationships suffer greatly.” – Unknown

“The constant pursuit of money can leave little time or energy for nurturing relationships.” – Unknown

“Money can create a wedge between two people, making them drift apart.” – Unknown

“The pressure to maintain a certain lifestyle can strain even the strongest relationships.” – Unknown

“When money becomes a source of envy, relationships can be shattered.” – Unknown

“A relationship built on love will always hold stronger than one built on money.” – Unknown