“You are my sunshine and I will always protect you.” – Unknown

“I will always be there to shield you from harm, my little one.” – Unknown

“You are my precious child and I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe.” – Unknown

“No matter what happens, you can always count on me to protect you, my love.” – Unknown

“I am your mother and I will protect you with every ounce of my being.” – Unknown

“My arms will always be your safe haven, my sweet child.” – Unknown

“I am your guardian angel, watching over you and protecting you from any danger.” – Unknown

“When you are scared, remember that mommy will always be there to protect you, my darling.” – Unknown

“I will fight any battle to keep you safe because you are the most important thing to me.” – Unknown

“You are a precious gift and I will never let anything harm you, my little one.” – Unknown

“I will be your shield, protecting you from the harshness of the world, my dear.” – Unknown

“You are my world and I will always be by your side, protecting you from anything that tries to hurt you.” – Unknown

“I will always be your momma bear, ready to defend you from any danger.” – Unknown

“You are my heart walking outside my body, and I will always protect you from any harm.” – Unknown

“I will fight off any monsters, both real and imaginary, to keep you safe, my brave child.” – Unknown A DAY OF REST QUOTES

“Within these arms, you are safe and protected, my little one.” – Unknown

“As long as there’s breath in my body, I will always be there to protect you, my precious child.” – Unknown

“No matter what challenges come our way, I will always be your guiding light, protecting you every step of the way.” – Unknown

“You can rest assured, my love, knowing that I will always be your unwavering protector.” – Unknown

“When the world gets tough, remember that you have a loving mom who will always protect and support you.” – Unknown

“I will be your shield against the storms of life, my little warrior.” – Unknown

“My love for you will always serve as a shield, protecting you from any harm that may come your way.” – Unknown

“I will fiercely guard your innocence and keep you safe from the troubles of the world, my precious one.” – Unknown

“In my arms, you are safe from any harm, my sweet child.” – Unknown

“No matter how old you get, I will always be your mom and your protector.” – Unknown

“I may not be able to protect you from every sadness, but I will do my best to be there for you whenever you need me.” – Unknown

“I will always fight for your happiness and protect your spirit, my darling.” – Unknown

“You are the most important person in my life, and I will always be by your side, protecting you from anything that may come your way.” – Unknown