“It’s a hard knock life for us!”

“You’re never fully dressed without a smile.”

“I love my little girls, but only if they stay in their place.”

“There’s only one thing I hate more than kids… it’s orphans!”

“Why would anyone adopt a kid? They’re nothing but trouble!”

“Don’t make me turn on the waterworks, I’m not that sentimental.”

“I may not have much, but at least I have my sanity… most of the time.”

“If I were a rich woman, I wouldn’t have to deal with this nonsense!”

“I’ve seen better days, but I’ve also seen worse. I don’t have everything that I want, but I do have all I need.”

“You think you got it tough? Try living with a house full of bratty little brats!”

“No one appreciates me around here. The world is full of selfish ingrates.”

“Everything is always going wrong, but I just keep on going.” COPING WITH SADNESS QUOTES

“Life’s a rollercoaster, and I’m stuck in the front seat.”

“I’m rotten to the core, but I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to these kids.”

“You can’t break me, I’ve seen it all!”

“When life gives you lemons, throw them back and demand something better.”

“I don’t need anyone’s validation, I’m my own person.”

“The only person who can save you is yourself.”

“I may be tough, but at least I’m honest.”

“There’s no such thing as a free lunch, you’ve got to work for what you want.”

“I may be a villain in your story, but I’m the hero of my own.”

“If things aren’t going your way, it’s time to shake things up.”

“In this dog-eat-dog world, you’ve got to be the biggest dog in the fight.”