“Evil is real, and it’s knocking on your front door.”

“God is still a God of miracles and He can change any situation.”

“Victory begins with prayer.”

“You need to do your fighting in prayer, and let God do the rest.”

“Give me the strength, Lord, to tell Satan to get behind me.”

“The only way to win this battle is on your knees.”

“Every day is a battle, but prayer is our weapon.”

“When opportunity knocks, prayer pushes open the door.”

“God wants us to fight for our families through prayer.”

“You need to trust God’s battle plan, even when you can’t see the outcome.”

“Prayer is where the real work is being done.”

“Prayer is not a last resort, it’s the first line of defense.”

“Your battle may be invisible, but it is very real.”

“You have to fight for what is right, even when the odds are against you.” CHRISTMAS ABROAD QUOTES

“God can do immeasurably more than you can ever imagine.”

“The enemy may want to steal your joy, but God can restore it.”

“Praying Scripture is like using the enemy’s weapons against him.”

“It’s time to take a stand and fight for your family.”

“Prayer shifts the atmosphere, and it invites God’s presence into your situation.”

“Pray for your enemies, because they need God’s love too.”

“Every battle is won or lost in the mind.”

“Don’t let fear paralyze you, let it fuel your prayers.”

“God is greater than any problem you are facing.”

“Prayer is a powerful weapon against the enemy’s lies.”

“God’s love can transform even the darkest hearts.”

“Prayer is the key to unlocking God’s blessings in your life.”

“It’s time to surrender your plans and let God fight for you.”