“Lovers may come and go, but true friends are always there.”

“Love fades, but friendship lasts forever.”

“Lovers may break your heart, but friends will mend it.”

“Friends support you through thick and thin, lovers come and go.”

“Lovers are temporary, but friends are like family.”

“Friends make the best companions, lovers are just passing romances.”

“Lovers may ignite a flame, but friends keep the fire burning.”

“Friends stay by your side, even when lovers turn a blind eye.”

“Love can be fleeting, but the bond of friendship is everlasting.”

“A friend’s love is unwavering, while a lover’s love can be uncertain.”

“Lovers may bring happiness, but friends bring joy.”

“Friends are the ones who pick you up when lovers let you down.”

“Lovers may break your heart, but friends will help you heal.”

“Friends are the ones who truly know and accept you, lovers often change.”

“Lovers may promise forever, but friends are always there through the storm.”

“Friendship is the foundation for a lifetime, while lovers come and go.” BLACK LIVES MATTER QUOTES

“Lovers may give you butterflies, but friends give you roots.”

“Friends are the ones who make your heart feel at home, while lovers come and go.”

“Lovers can betray you, but true friends are forever loyal.”

“Friends are the ones who celebrate your triumphs, while lovers may only be there for the highs.”

“Lovers may leave scars, but friends are the ones who help you heal.”

“Friends are the ones who accept you for who you are, while lovers may try to change you.”

“When lovers disappoint, friends uplift.”

“Lovers may satisfy your desires, but friends fulfill your soul.”

“Friends are the ones who stay, even when lovers walk away.”

“Lovers may be temporary distractions, but friends provide lifelong happiness.”

“A friend’s love is consistent, while a lover’s love can be fleeting.”

“Lovers may show you the world, but friends make it a better place.”

“Friends are the ones who understand your heart, while lovers may only satisfy your desires.”

“Lovers may break your heart, but friends put the pieces back together.”