“Love is a journey that takes time and patience.”

“Time may heal all wounds, but love can mend them.”

“The best use of time is to spend it with someone you love.”

“Time means nothing when you’re in love.”

“True love withstands the test of time.”

“Love is timeless; it knows no past, present, or future.”

“One day spent with the person you love is worth a lifetime.”

“Love is the only thing that grows when you invest time in it.”

“Time spent with the right person is time well spent.”

“Love is not about how much time you spend together, it’s about the quality of that time.”

“When you love someone, every second you spend with them is precious.”

“Love is not measured by the hours, but by the moments.”

“In love, time is irrelevant; all that matters is the connection.” QUOTES ABOUT SELF HARM

“Time may pass, but the love we share remains.”

“Love is the only thing that can make time stand still.”

“To love is to cherish every moment, as time is never guaranteed.”

“The time we spend apart only makes our love grow stronger.”

“Love transcends time; it exists in the past, present, and future.”

“Time waits for no one, but love is worth waiting for.”

“Love is an investment that pays dividends in time.”

“Every second spent with you feels like an eternity of love.”

“Love is a moment that lasts forever.”

“The best things in life take time, and love is definitely one of them.”

“Love is not constrained by the limitations of time.”

“Love gives meaning to time, making every moment worth living.”