“Distance means so little when someone means so much.” – Unknown

“True friendship is not about being inseparable, it is being separated and nothing changes.” – Unknown

“Even though we may be miles apart, you will always hold a special place in my heart.” – Unknown

“Time and distance cannot separate the bond we share as best friends.” – Unknown

“Distance may keep us apart, but our friendship will always live on in my heart.” – Unknown

“In this vast world, no distance can weaken the bond between the best of friends.” – Unknown

“The miles may separate us, but nothing can break the ties that bind our friendship.” – Unknown

“Though we may be far apart, you are always close to my heart, my dear best friend.” – Unknown

“Distance is just a test to see how far our friendship can travel.” – Unknown

“No matter the miles that separate us, our friendship only grows stronger.” – Unknown

“Distance cannot diminish the closeness we share as best friends.” – Unknown

“The best of friends are never truly apart; they are always connected by heart.” – Unknown

“Time zone differences may separate us, but our friendship transcends all boundaries.” – Unknown CAD BANE QUOTES BOOK OF BOBA FETT

“No matter where life takes us, you will forever be my best friend.” – Unknown

“The miles may be many, but the memories we share will always bring us close.” – Unknown

“Distance may test our friendship, but it can never break the bond we have.” – Unknown

“Separation strengthens our friendship, reminding us of how much we mean to each other.” – Unknown

“Though we may be oceans apart, we are always just a thought away from each other.” – Unknown

“As the miles stretch between us, our friendship only grows stronger.” – Unknown

“The best friends are those who are always there, regardless of the distance.” – Unknown

“Time and space may separate us, but nothing can diminish our friendship’s grace.” – Unknown

“Distance means nothing when you mean everything to me, my dear friend.” – Unknown

“In the book of friendship, distance is just a chapter, not the ending.” – Unknown

“Distance is temporary, but the love and friendship we share is forever.” – Unknown