“If you’re sexy, then flaunt it. If you’re thick, then own it.” – Lizzo

“I love you. You are beautiful. You can do anything.” – Lizzo

“No matter what they say, I’m beautiful in every single way.” – Lizzo

“I’m beautiful, I’m strong, and I’m worthy of all the love and joy in the world.” – Lizzo

“My body, my rules. I define my own beauty.” – Lizzo

“Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top.” – Lizzo

“You are enough, just the way you are.” – Lizzo

“Your body is not just an ornament, it’s a vessel for your dreams and aspirations.” – Lizzo

“Self-love is the greatest form of rebellion.” – Lizzo

“There’s power in embracing your curves and loving yourself unapologetically.” – Lizzo

“Don’t let society’s standards define your worth. You are a masterpiece just as you are.” – Lizzo

“Your body deserves to be celebrated, not constantly scrutinized.” – Lizzo

“Body positivity is about accepting and embracing all bodies, no matter the size or shape.” – Lizzo

“True beauty lies within you, not in the eyes of others.” – Lizzo

“You are more than a number on a scale. Your worth is immeasurable.” – Lizzo WHEN YOUR HEART IS CLEAN QUOTES

“Celebrate the skin you’re in. Every curve, every stretch mark, every freckle is a unique part of you.” – Lizzo

“Embrace your flaws and own them. They’re what make you beautifully imperfect.” – Lizzo

“Self-confidence is the sexiest outfit you can wear.” – Lizzo

“You are not defined by what others think of you. Your worth comes from within.” – Lizzo

“Love your body fiercely, for it is the only one you’ve got.” – Lizzo

“Believe in yourself and your dreams. Your body is not a hindrance, it’s a source of strength.” – Lizzo

“Your beauty shines brightest when you feel confident in your own skin.” – Lizzo

“Size doesn’t determine worth. You are worthy of love, respect, and happiness, no matter your size.” – Lizzo

“Stop comparing yourself to others. Your beauty is unique and incomparable.” – Lizzo

“Don’t waste your energy trying to fit into society’s narrow beauty standards. Be unapologetically yourself.” – Lizzo

“Your value is not contingent on your appearance. You are worthy simply because you exist.” – Lizzo

“Be proud of your body. It’s the vessel that allows you to experience life’s joys and adventures.” – Lizzo

“Self-love is a journey, not a destination. Embrace every step of it.” – Lizzo