“Each of us is born with a box of matches inside us, but we can’t strike them all by ourselves.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“The truth was that she had never loved [him]. She was just hungry for the taste of love.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“Tita knew through her own flesh how fire transforms the elements, how a lump of corn flour is changed into a tortilla, how a soul that hasn’t been hardened by fire has no strength.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“Each person has to discover what they need to do in the kitchen of their own soul in order to feed their own vitality.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“What one person considers deceit is only loyalty seen from a different point of view.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“Each of us is born with a box of matches inside us but we can’t strike them all by ourselves.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“One person’s craziness is another person’s reality.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“Her camel-ride of emotions was getting kind of wrinkled.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“For a while she had the feeling that she was carrying her stomach and her breasts inside out.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“At that moment, when desire was firing Tita’s whole being, she was more aware than ever of her body’s faculty of perception.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“How wonderful! All I need is a table!” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“He thought she had kind of a bad temper, but she thought he was the one with the temper, he just kept quiet about it.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“Love, like water, must be given and received freely in order to keep flowing.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate OUR FRIENDSHIP BOND QUOTES

“To each person, his or her love story is unique and won’t be repeated.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“It was as if they had loved each other before they were conceived, in the space where their spirits met before they got to earth.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“The summer-bright colors of Tita’s wedding attire couldn’t make her feel any gayer.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“The truth is that everyone is in love to some extent. Imagine living without love! Our lives would be desolate.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“The only reality is the one we create for ourselves, of course!” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“Inside Tita’s kitchen the atmosphere was saturated with the intoxicating aroma of bread and other sweet treats.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“Tita was no longer able to pick up a mental thread of where she had left off.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“She became a whirlwind, born of a meticulously maintained tradition of order and cleanliness.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“The preparation of food, especially traditional dishes, has a lot to do with memory.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“She dreamt about Pedro all night, and on her first night of sleepwalking, she ended up in the kitchen in order to make sure the cake she was preparing for his wedding turned out perfectly.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“Each person has to discover what they need to do in order to feed their own vitality.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate

“Every time she steam-cooked a dish with rose petals, she felt as if she were cooking up carnal pleasure itself.” – Laura Esquivel, Like Water for Chocolate