“Karma has no menu. You get served what you deserve.” – Unknown

“Karma never loses an address.” – Unknown

“Karma has no deadline, eventually, it will catch up to you.” – Unknown

“Your actions may be hidden from others, but never from karma.” – Unknown

“Karma has no favorites. It treats everyone equally.” – Unknown

“The wheel of karma may turn slowly, but it always comes full circle.” – Unknown

“Karma has a way of biting you in the rear when you least expect it.” – Unknown

“Karma is the universe’s way of saying, ‘You can’t get away with that.'” – Unknown

“Don’t worry about those who wrong you, they will face their own karma.” – Unknown

“Karma never lies. It always tells the truth about us.” – Unknown

“Karma doesn’t forget. It waits until the perfect moment to strike.” – Unknown

“Karma is like a boomerang. What goes around, comes around.” – Unknown

“Karma has a long memory, it never forgets the past.” – Unknown HUSBAND WIFE HAPPY QUOTES

“Karma has a funny way of balancing the scales.” – Unknown

“Karma doesn’t care about your excuses, it only cares about your actions.” – Unknown

“When you do something good, you create good karma. When you do something bad, you create bad karma.” – Unknown

“Karma has a way of making you face your own reflection.” – Unknown

“Karma is a mirror that reflects our innermost intentions.” – Unknown

“Karma pays all debts, both good and bad.” – Unknown

“Karma is a lesson that teaches you the consequences of your actions.” – Unknown

“Your thoughts, words, and actions create ripples in the pool of karma.” – Unknown

“Karma teaches us that we reap what we sow.” – Unknown

“Karma is like a wave, it washes away the impurities and reveals the true nature of a person.” – Unknown

“When you wish harm upon others, remember that karma has a way of reciprocating.” – Unknown