“I’m not a crazed, wild party boy. I mean, I may be a bit wild and crazy, but I’m not a party animal.” – Justin Bieber

“I’m not a bad boy. I’m just a misunderstood flower child.” – Justin Bieber

“I don’t have any tattoos, but if I ever get one, it’ll probably be of a bowl of macaroni and cheese. That’s how much I love it.” – Justin Bieber

“I’m Canadian, so I’m automatically 70% nicer than the average person.” – Justin Bieber

“I don’t need a hairbrush. I’ve got my hands, and they work just fine.” – Justin Bieber

“I could’ve sworn I saw Bigfoot once, but it turned out to be a really hairy guy wearing a flannel shirt.” – Justin Bieber

“I have really small feet. So small that sometimes I trip over my own toes and fall flat on my face. It’s embarrassing.” – Justin Bieber

“I wish I could fly. Then I could avoid traffic jams and get to Starbucks even faster.” – Justin Bieber

“I have a secret obsession with Nickelback. Don’t judge me.” – Justin Bieber

“I’m a pro at doing the least amount of work while still getting the job done. It’s a talent.” – Justin Bieber

“They say money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy a whole lot of cheeseburgers, and that’s pretty close.” – Justin Bieber

“One time, I tried to make cereal without milk. Let’s just say it didn’t go very well.” – Justin Bieber

“If you think I’m a bad singer, just wait until you hear me attempt karaoke.” – Justin Bieber INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES ABOUT COURAGE BY CS LEWIS

“I once tried to impress a girl by doing a backflip off a diving board. Let’s just say it didn’t end well.” – Justin Bieber

“I’m not afraid to admit that I still binge-watch cartoons on Saturday mornings.” – Justin Bieber

“Why walk when you can dance? Dancing is just walking, but with better music.” – Justin Bieber

“I tried to teach myself how to juggle once, but I ended up throwing oranges all over my living room. It was a disaster.” – Justin Bieber

“I have a secret talent for finding the best memes on the internet. It’s like a sixth sense.” – Justin Bieber

“I once got stuck in a revolving door for a good five minutes. It was humiliating.” – Justin Bieber

“My mom still makes me eat my vegetables, even though I’m a grown man. Moms, am I right?” – Justin Bieber

“You know you’re a true Belieber when you can recite every word to ‘Baby’ backwards. It’s a party trick!” – Justin Bieber

“I once dyed my hair purple, and let’s just say I looked like a grape. It wasn’t a good look.” – Justin Bieber

“I wish I could speak every language in the world, so I could understand what my fans are saying when they mob me.” – Justin Bieber

“Sometimes I forget that not everyone owns a pet monkey. It’s such a normal thing for me.” – Justin Bieber

“My fashion sense is pretty unique. I like to call it ‘casually confused.'” – Justin Bieber