“Man is not truly one, but truly two.” – Dr. Jekyll

“Science is the gateway to knowledge, while religion often provides solace in the face of uncertainty.” – Dr. Jekyll

“Religion seeks to explain the unexplainable, while science strives to understand the mysteries of the universe.” – Dr. Jekyll

“Science uncovers the laws of nature, while religion provides moral guidance for human behavior.” – Dr. Jekyll

“Religion appeals to faith, while science relies on evidence and reason.” – Dr. Jekyll

“Science may bring knowledge, but only religion can bring wisdom.” – Dr. Jekyll

“Religion provides comfort in times of suffering, while science offers hope for a better future.” – Dr. Jekyll

“Science can answer the ‘how,’ but religion is concerned with the ‘why.'” – Dr. Jekyll

“Religion offers a belief in a higher power, while science encourages skepticism and critical thinking.” – Dr. Jekyll

“Science allows us to understand the world, while religion helps us find meaning in it.” – Dr. Jekyll

“In the pursuit of knowledge, science often clashes with religious dogma.” – Dr. Jekyll

“Religion offers moral absolutes, while science understands the nuances of ethics.” – Dr. Jekyll BECOMING BEST FRIENDS QUOTES

“Science seeks to explain the natural world, while religion explores the spiritual realm.” – Dr. Jekyll

“Religion often provides comfort in times of uncertainty, while science urges us to embrace uncertainty as a part of the human condition.” – Dr. Jekyll

“Science distinguishes between what is observable and measurable, while religion delves into the realm of the intangible and transcendent.” – Dr. Jekyll

“Religion offers a sense of belonging and community, while science encourages individual exploration and discovery.” – Dr. Jekyll

“Science can unravel the mysteries of the physical world, while religion elucidates the mysteries of the soul.” – Dr. Jekyll

“Religion provides a moral framework for society, while science provides the tools for progress and innovation.” – Dr. Jekyll

“Science challenges the limits of human knowledge, while religion acknowledges the limits of human understanding.” – Dr. Jekyll

“Religion seeks to answer questions of purpose and meaning, while science seeks to answer questions of cause and effect.” – Dr. Jekyll

“Science is based on observation and experimentation, while religion relies on faith and revelation.” – Dr. Jekyll

“Religion offers a pathway to transcendence, while science seeks to understand the immanent world.” – Dr. Jekyll

“Science and religion may exist in tension, but both seek to uncover truth and provide a framework for understanding the world.” – Dr. Jekyll