“You can’t trust everyone, but you can trust a few select people, and those are your real friends.”

“Friends may come and go, but true friends stick around no matter what.”

“To have a true friend is a blessing, they are rare to find in this world.”

“A real friend will always have your back, even when the world turns against you.”

“Your true friends are the ones who are there for you in your darkest moments.”

“Real friends will always celebrate your success, not envy it.”

“A true friend will always support your dreams and help you achieve them.”

“Cherish the friends who make you laugh, for they bring light into your life.”

“Real friends are not just there for the good times, they are there for the bad times too.”

“A true friend doesn’t judge you, they accept you for who you are.”

“When you find a loyal friend, hold on to them because they are hard to come by.” BEAUTY SISTER QUOTES

“Friends who are there for you without expecting anything in return are the best kind of friends.”

“Real friends will always tell you the truth, even if it’s something you don’t want to hear.”

“Friendship is not about how often you see each other, but how deep your connection is.”

“A true friend will always forgive your mistakes and help you grow as a person.”

“Friends who support your growth are the ones you should keep around.”

“No matter how far apart you are, a true friend will always be there for you.”

“Real friends are like family; they are always there for you when you need them.”

“A true friend is someone you can be yourself around without any fear of judgment.”

“Real friends are the ones who believe in you even when you don’t believe in yourself.”

“Friendship is a journey that gets stronger with time, as long as both parties are willing to make an effort.”