“A mother’s love is unconditional and eternal.” – Unknown

“Mothers hold their children’s hands for a while, but their hearts forever.” – Unknown

“The love of a mother knows no bounds.” – Unknown

“A mother’s love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.” – Marion C. Garretty

“Motherhood: all love begins and ends there.” – Robert Browning

“A mother’s hug lasts long after she lets go.” – Unknown

“A mother’s love is like a beacon, lighting up the future but reflected also on the past in the guise of fond memories.” – Honore de Balzac

“The strength of a mother is unmatched.” – Unknown

“A mother is the heartbeat in the home; without her, there seems to be no heartthrob.” – Leroy Brownlow

“A mother’s love is the greatest teacher, showing us the values of compassion, integrity, and forgiveness.” – Unknown

“A mother is a daughter’s first best friend.” – Unknown

“A mother is the strongest connection between generations.” – Unknown

“A mother’s love is the purest form of magic.” – Unknown

“The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.” – James E. Faust

“A mother’s love is the greatest healer.” – Unknown EPICURUS GOD QUOTE

“A mother’s love is the fuel that empowers a child to believe in themselves.” – Unknown

“A mother’s love is the foundation of a child’s self-worth.” – Unknown

“A mother’s love is a sanctuary, providing solace and strength in times of need.” – Unknown

“A mother’s love is like no other, it nurtures, protects, and inspires.” – Unknown

“A mother’s love is the driving force behind a child’s dreams.” – Unknown

“A mother’s love is the anchor that holds a family together.” – Unknown

“A mother’s love is the light that guides a child through life’s darkest moments.” – Unknown

“A mother’s love is a flame that never dims, even in the darkest of nights.” – Unknown

“A mother’s love is a melody that plays in a child’s heart forever.” – Unknown

“A mother’s love is like a compass, always pointing true north.” – Unknown

“A mother’s love is the secret ingredient that adds flavor to life’s recipe.” – Unknown

“A mother’s love is a gift that keeps on giving.” – Unknown

“A mother’s love is eternal, transcending time and space.” – Unknown