“I told my in-laws I bought a toaster oven, and now they’re treating me like I’m the next Iron Chef.”

“Marriage is all about compromise. Like when my in-laws come over, I always pretend to listen.”

“If you think your in-laws are crazy, just remember, you married into the family.”

“My in-laws are like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get, but you hope it’s not nuts.”

“If you want to see a circus, just invite my in-laws for dinner.”

“My in-laws are proof that you can’t choose your family, but you can choose how often you see them.”

“I can tolerate my in-laws, but only in small doses, like anesthesia.”

“I never really understood the term ‘extended family’ until I met my in-laws.”

“My relationship with my in-laws is like a game of Monopoly. We’re always trying to pass go, but someone always ends up bankrupt.”

“My in-laws are so nosy, they could win the gold medal in the Olympic snooping competition.”

“My in-laws have such a great sense of humor… they just don’t know when to use it.” SORRY WILL NEVER BE ENOUGH QUOTES

“When my in-laws visit, it’s like living in a horror movie… The In-Laws: Part 66”

“My in-laws are so old school, they still think ‘texting’ means sending a telegram.”

“If my in-laws were a TV show, they’d be a reality show called ‘Keeping Up with the Weirds.'”

“My in-laws have a special talent for entering a conversation at the worst possible moment.”

“I don’t need a weather forecast; I just wait for my in-laws to complain about the weather.”

“My in-laws give new meaning to the phrase ‘speak now or forever hold your peace.’ They never shut up.”

“Family reunions with my in-laws are like a game of Survivor. You try to avoid being voted off the island.”

“I’m starting to think my in-laws got their PhD in meddling.”

“My in-laws are like a television remote – no matter how many times you try, you can never seem to turn them off.”