“Knowledge without action is like a body without a soul.”

“Do not be misled by what others say or do, trust your own instincts.”

“Speak the truth, even if it is against yourself.”

“When in doubt, seek knowledge and guidance from those who are more knowledgeable.”

“Do not envy others for what they have, as it may lead to discontentment and heartache.”

“Forgiveness is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength and wisdom.”

“Worship Allah as if you can see Him, for even though you cannot see Him, He can see you.”

“Never judge someone based on their appearance or actions, for you may never fully know their story.”

“Be kind to others, for kindness is a reflection of one’s character and inner beauty.”

“Patience is a virtue that grants blessings and rewards in both this life and the hereafter.”

“Treat others with respect and dignity, regardless of their race, religion, or social status.”

“Do not let the opinions of others define your worth or determine your path in life.” GREAT BIBLE QUOTES ABOUT LIFE

“Remind yourself that everything happens for a reason and trust in Allah’s plan.”

“Hold on to the Quran and Sunnah, for they are the source of true guidance and enlightenment.”

“Seek knowledge from cradle to grave, for knowledge has the power to transform lives.”

“Strive for excellence and do your best in everything you do, for success comes to those who work hard.”

“Be grateful for the blessings in your life, for gratitude leads to contentment and happiness.”

“Learn to control your emotions and respond to situations with wisdom and composure.”

“Avoid excessive involvement in worldly matters, as they distract from the path to spiritual growth.”

“Choose your friends wisely, for they have a significant influence on your character and actions.”

“Do not depend on others to fulfill your needs, rather rely on Allah and put your trust in Him.”

“Avoid backbiting and gossiping, for they harm relationships and create discord within communities.”

“Remember that this world is temporary, and ultimate success lies in the hereafter.”