“If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, they’re yours; if they don’t, they never were.” – Richard Bach

“True love is not about possessing someone, but letting them be free to discover their own path.” – Unknown

“Love is setting someone free and trusting that they will choose you.” – Unknown

“Set free someone you love, and if it’s meant to be, they’ll find their way back to you.” – Unknown

“Sometimes you have to let go of the person you love, not because you want to, but because they need it.” – Unknown

“Love is like a butterfly; if you hold it too tight, it’ll suffocate but if you let it fly, it’ll come back.” – Unknown

“If you truly love someone, give them the freedom to choose their own happiness.” – Unknown

“Loving someone means giving them the chance to find their own happiness, even if it’s without you.” – Unknown

“True love is selfless. It allows the person you love to follow their own dreams and desires, even if it means letting them go.” – Unknown

“The greatest act of love is letting go, trusting that love will bring you back together if it’s meant to be.” – Unknown

“Love is like a kite; you let it fly, but you hold the string. And if it’s strong enough, it will always come back to you.” – Unknown

“If you love someone, you have to let them roam free. Love is about free will, not possession.” – Unknown

“Love means allowing someone to find their own happiness, even if it’s not with you.” – Unknown

“True love isn’t about imprisoning someone in your heart; it’s about setting them free, knowing that they’ll come back because they choose to.” – Unknown

“When you truly love someone, you’re willing to let them go, trusting that your connection is strong enough to bring you back together.” – Unknown

“Love is giving someone the freedom to follow their own path, even if it means letting them go.” – Unknown HOW TO QUOTE IN A PERSONAL STATEMENT

“True love is never possessive; it’s about supporting the person you love in their journey, even if it takes them away from you.” – Unknown

“Letting go of someone you love doesn’t mean you stopped caring; it means you respect their own journey and happiness.” – Unknown

“Love is granting someone the freedom to choose their own happiness, even if it means not being a part of it.” – Unknown

“Trust in love’s power to bring you back together. If it’s meant to be, it will find a way.” – Unknown

“When you truly love someone, you want them to be happy, even if it’s not with you.” – Unknown

“Love is not about control. It’s about giving someone the space to grow and finding their own happiness, knowing that you’re there to support them.” – Unknown

“If you truly love someone, you won’t hold them back. You’ll give them the freedom to explore their own path.” – Unknown

“Letting go of someone you love is the bravest thing you can do, but sometimes it’s necessary for their happiness.” – Unknown

“Love is not chaining someone to your side; it’s giving them the wings to fly and trusting that they’ll return to you.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, loving someone means letting them go and having faith that destiny will bring you back together.” – Unknown

“Trust that love never truly fades; it always finds its way back, even if it takes time.” – Unknown

“True love is about understanding that sometimes it’s better to let go and let the other person find their own happiness.” – Unknown

“Love means being selfless and putting someone else’s happiness above your own, even if it means letting them go.” – Unknown

“If you truly love someone, their happiness becomes more important than your own desires. Sometimes that means letting them go.” – Unknown