“I will not forgive you for betraying my trust.”

“You have hurt me deeply, and I will not forgive you easily.”

“The pain you caused is unforgettable, and forgiveness is not on the table.”

“You have taken advantage of my kindness, and forgiveness is no longer an option.”

“I will not forgive you for playing with my emotions.”

“You have broken my heart, and forgiveness is a luxury I cannot afford.”

“Forgiveness requires remorse, and I see none in you.”

“You have shattered my dreams, and forgiveness is beyond my reach.”

“I will never forgive you for the damage you have done to my life.”

“Forgiveness is not a weakness, but I will not grant it to you.”

“You have done irreparable harm, and forgiveness is not in my vocabulary.”

“Forgiving you would mean accepting what you did, and I cannot do that.”

“You have crossed a line that cannot be forgiven.”

“I will not forgive you for the pain you have inflicted upon me.” YOU CAN T BUY FRIENDSHIP QUOTES

“Your actions were unforgivable, and I will not let them slide.”

“Forgiving you would be a disservice to myself and the pain I have endured.”

“I will not forgive you for the damage you have caused to my mental health.”

“You have shattered my faith in humanity, and forgiveness is not an option.”

“Forgiveness is reserved for those who deserve it, and you do not qualify.”

“I will not forgive you for the lies and deceit you have spread.”

“You have betrayed me in the worst way possible, and forgiveness is off the table.”

“Forgiving you would mean allowing you to hurt me again, and I refuse to do that.”

“You have caused irreversible damage, and forgiveness is not within my grasp.”

“I will not forgive you for the pain you have caused my loved ones.”

“Forgiveness is earned, and you have not earned it.”

“I will not forgive you for the suffering you have inflicted upon others.”