“I’ll be there for you, like I’ve been there before.” – Unknown

“Through thick and thin, I’ll be there for you.” – Unknown

“No matter the distance, I’ll always be there for you.” – Unknown

“When you need a shoulder to lean on, I’ll be there for you.” – Unknown

“In good times and bad, I’ll be there for you, my friend.” – Unknown

“I’ll be there to support and uplift you, no matter what.” – Unknown

“Count on me, because I’ll be there for you.” – Unknown

“You can always rely on me to be there for you, through it all.” – Unknown

“I’ve got your back, and I’ll always be there for you.” – Unknown

“No matter what life throws at us, I promise I’ll be there for you.” – Unknown

“I’ll stand by you, my friend, and be there for you through every storm.” – Unknown

“You’re never alone, because I’ll be there for you.” – Unknown

“Through laughter and tears, I’ll be there for you, my dear friend.” – Unknown

“When you stumble, I’ll be there to pick you up. I’m always here for you.” – Unknown

“You’re never forgotten, for I’ll always be there for you, my friend.” – Unknown BEING A NEW FATHER QUOTES

“From dusk till dawn, I’ll be there for you, no matter the hour.” – Unknown

“You can lean on me, because I’ll be there for you, every step of the way.” – Unknown

“With unwavering loyalty, I’ll be there for you.” – Unknown

“I’ll be there to listen, to understand, and to be present for you, my friend.” – Unknown

“You’re never alone, for I promise I’ll always be there for you.” – Unknown

“In joy or sorrow, I’ll be there to share every moment with you.” – Unknown

“Through the highs and lows, I’ll be there for you, no matter what.” – Unknown

“Lean on me when you need strength, for I’ll be there for you.” – Unknown

“I’ll always lend an ear, because I’ll be there for you, through thick and thin.” – Unknown

“When life gets tough, remember that I’ll be there for you, my dear friend.” – Unknown

“Forever and always, I’ll be there for you.” – Unknown

“Rain or shine, I promise I’ll be there for you, my friend.” – Unknown

“You’re never alone, because I’ll be there for you until the end.” – Unknown