“Honor thyself; cheat not thy feelings, nor set thy sense of what is right at defiance.” – J. R. Lowell

“Honor is like an island, rugged and without a beach; once we have left it, we can never return.” – Nicholas Boileau

“Honor is the reward of virtue.” – Cicero

“Honor is the foundation of man’s way of life.” – Confucius

“Honor is simply the morality of superior men.” – H.L. Mencken

“Honor is simply the integrity of the presence.” – Marianne Williamson

“Honor is self-esteem made visible in action.” – Ayn Rand

“Honor is the sacred treasure of a man.” – Buddha

“Honor is like a river, once diverted, it is hard to regain its original course.” – Unknown

“Honor is the light that guides our footsteps when the path is dark and uncertain.” – Unknown

“Honor is bestowed on those who value righteousness, even when it comes at a personal cost.” – Unknown GOOD QUOTES ON FATHERS DAY

“Honor is not the fruit of popularity, but the result of right actions and principles.” – Unknown

“Honor is earned through a lifetime of noble deeds, not by a single act of heroism.” – Unknown

“Honor is not about winning or losing, but about staying true to oneself and one’s values.” – Unknown

“Honor is the foundation of a virtuous life and the bedrock of a just society.” – Unknown

“Honor is the reflection of one’s character, and integrity is its foundation.” – Unknown

“Honor is the crown of honesty, integrity, and moral courage.” – Unknown

“Honor is the guardian angel that protects our soul from the temptations of vice.” – Unknown

“Honor is the compass that guides us through the storms of life.” – Unknown

“Honor is the mark of a person who values truth, justice, and fairness above all else.” – Unknown

“Honor is the legacy we leave behind; it is the measure of a life well-lived.” – Unknown