“Sometimes, the only way to survive is to turn your heart cold.” – Unknown

“After being hurt countless times, my heart grew cold, an icy fortress protecting me from pain.” – Unknown

“Love turned my heart cold, like a winter storm freezing everything it touches.” – Unknown

“A heart turned cold is a heart protected from the warmth of love.” – Unknown

“Once your heart turns cold, it becomes invincible to the arrows of betrayal.” – Unknown

“My heart turned cold, not because I wanted it to, but because life taught me to protect myself.” – Unknown

“When trust is broken, it’s only natural for the heart to turn cold.” – Unknown

“A heart turned cold is a heart that has learned from past mistakes.” – Unknown

“A heart turned cold is a defense mechanism, a way to shield yourself from pain.” – Unknown

“In a world that’s so cold, it’s no wonder hearts turn cold too.” – Unknown

“Once my heart turned cold, I became untouchable by those who caused me pain.” – Unknown

“Sometimes, love can be so cruel that it freezes your heart, turning it cold.” – Unknown

“A heart turned cold may seem unfeeling, but it’s simply attempting to heal.” – Unknown

“My heart turned cold the moment I realized that love could hurt more than anything else.” – Unknown FUNNY LACK OF SLEEP QUOTES

“Sometimes, it’s easier to turn your heart cold than to let it be broken over and over again.” – Unknown

“When love turns to betrayal, the heart has no choice but to turn cold.” – Unknown

“I closed my heart off to love, and in return, it became cold and barren.” – Unknown

“A heart turned cold is a shield against the pain of the world.” – Unknown

“I didn’t choose to have a cold heart, it was a defense mechanism born from years of hurt.” – Unknown

“Love can be so cruel that it turns the warmest hearts cold.” – Unknown

“A heart turned cold is a heart that has learned to protect itself at all costs.” – Unknown

“A heart turned cold is like a barren wasteland, devoid of any warmth or tenderness.” – Unknown

“After being burned so many times, my heart turned cold as ice.” – Unknown

“Love turned my heart cold, leaving me numb and unfeeling.” – Unknown

“It’s sad when love turns your heart cold, but sometimes it’s necessary for self-preservation.” – Unknown

“A heart turned cold still beats, but it will never feel again.” – Unknown