“It hurts when you realize that the person you thought was your friend, was never really there for you.”

“Sometimes the people you thought you could count on, end up disappointing you the most.”

“It’s sad when you have to let go of a friendship because you realize you were the only one putting in the effort.”

“I never thought a friend could break my heart, but here I am.”

“One of the worst feelings is realizing that the person you considered your best friend, no longer feels the same way.”

“It’s heartbreaking when a friendship slowly fades away, and all the memories become just distant echoes.”

“When a friend breaks your trust, it’s like a piece of your heart shatters.”

“Friendships can be as equally painful as romantic relationships when they fall apart.”

“It’s difficult to come to terms with the fact that a friendship you cherished was never genuine to begin with.”

“Sometimes the hardest friendships to let go of are the ones that are toxic for you.”

“It hurts when you realize you were just a backup option for a friend who always prioritized others above you.”

“Friendship should be built on support and understanding, not judgment and betrayal.”

“The moment you realize you were just being used by a so-called friend, everything changes.”

“Nothing hurts more than realizing that a friend you trusted with your deepest secrets, has betrayed your trust.”

“When you lose a friend who was once your rock, it feels like you’ve lost a part of yourself.”

“Friendship should be a safe haven, not a place where you constantly feel belittled and unvalued.” QUOTES ABOUT LETTING A LOVER GO

“Dealing with the aftermath of a broken friendship is like mourning a loss that no one else seems to understand.”

“You can’t force someone to be a true friend if their intentions were never genuine to begin with.”

“Sometimes it’s not the distance that ends a friendship, but the growing distance between hearts.”

“It’s sad when you realize that the person you considered your best friend, didn’t consider you a priority.”

“The pain of a broken friendship can linger longer than any romantic heartbreak.”

“It’s heartbreaking to realize that you were just a temporary friend in someone’s life.”

“When a friendship ends, it leaves behind a void that’s impossible to fill.”

“Realizing that a friend you cared for deeply didn’t feel the same way is a tough pill to swallow.”

“Losing a friend feels like losing a piece of yourself that you can never get back.”

“Nothing is more heart-wrenching than realizing that a friend you trusted had no loyalty towards you.”

“When a friend starts treating you like an option, it’s time to walk away.”

“It’s painful to realize that you don’t mean as much to a friend as they do to you.”

“Sometimes the end of a friendship is a necessary step towards finding true, genuine connections.”

“Walking away from a friendship that continually brought you pain is an act of self-love and self-respect.”