“Time is the greatest gift you can give someone.”

“Making time for someone shows them how important they are to you.”

“Don’t just make time for someone, give them your undivided attention.”

“Time is a precious commodity, spend it wisely with those who matter.”

“No amount of words can replace the time spent with someone you love.”

“The best way to show someone you care is by giving them your time.”

“Time is fleeting, make sure you spend it with the right people.”

“Investing time in someone can create lifelong memories.”

“Busy schedules are no excuse to neglect those who truly matter.”

“The most valuable thing you can give someone is your time.”

“Life is short, make sure you prioritize the people who truly make a difference in your life.”

“In the end, the time you spent with someone matters more than anything else.”

“Time spent with loved ones is never wasted.”

“Quality time is the truest form of gift.”

“You can always make time for the people who are important to you.”

“Time has a way of showing us who truly values us.” FRIENDS WITH DIFFERENT RELIGIONS QUOTES

“Time spent in the company of loved ones is time well spent.”

“No amount of money or success can replace the time spent with someone you cherish.”

“Time spent with someone you care about is never a waste; it’s an investment in your relationship.”

“The best moments in life are often created by simply having time for someone.”

“When you choose to spend time with someone, you’re choosing to invest in them.”

“Time is love, and love is time.”

“Some people make time for you, no matter how busy they are. Cherish them.”

“Making time for someone is a true measure of the importance you place on that relationship.”

“Time is a precious gift, so spend it with the people who mean the most to you.”

“Time is a reflection of priorities; show someone they’re a top priority in your life.”

“The best conversations happen when you’re fully present and have time for someone.”

“Time may be limited, but your ability to make someone feel valued is infinite.”

“Making time for someone means making memories that will last a lifetime.”

“The best gift you can give someone is your undivided time and attention.”