“A good heart is worth gold.” – Unknown

“Let your heart be your guide, for it knows the path of kindness.” – Unknown

“A good heart is a fountain of joy that never runs dry.” – Unknown

“The beauty of a good heart shines brighter than any outer appearance.” – Unknown

“Kindness begins with a good heart.” – Unknown

“A good heart is a magnet for love.” – Unknown

“The world is in need of more people with good hearts.” – Unknown

“A good heart is the greatest gift you can give to others.” – Unknown

“A good heart has the power to heal the world.” – Unknown

“A good heart is a sanctuary for love and compassion.” – Unknown

“A good heart spreads kindness like wildfire.” – Unknown

“Beauty may attract the eye, but a good heart captures the soul.” – Unknown

“A good heart is always willing to lend a helping hand.” – Unknown

“A good heart is a treasure that enriches every life it touches.” – Unknown FUNNY CLOUDY DAY QUOTES

“A good heart knows no boundaries.” – Unknown

“A good heart is like a flame, warming all those who come near.” – Unknown

“A good heart is the foundation of a meaningful life.” – Unknown

“A good heart is the key to lasting happiness.” – Unknown

“A good heart sees the beauty in everyone, even when they cannot see it themselves.” – Unknown

“The measure of a person lies in the kindness of their heart.” – Unknown

“A good heart illuminates the darkest corners of the world.” – Unknown

“A good heart is a source of hope in times of despair.” – Unknown

“A good heart is a magnet for blessings.” – Unknown

“A good heart forgives easily and loves unconditionally.” – Unknown

“A good heart is a powerful force for change.” – Unknown

“In a world full of chaos, a good heart is a beacon of peace.” – Unknown