“Be a unicorn in a field of horses.”

“Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn. Then, always be a unicorn.”

“Believe in magic, believe in yourself. You are a unicorn!”

“Keep calm and believe in unicorns.”

“Stay wild, like a unicorn!”

“Chase rainbows and believe in the magic of unicorns.”

“You are unique, just like a unicorn.”

“Embrace your inner sparkle, like a unicorn.”

“Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud, just like unicorns.”

“Spread glitter and happiness wherever you go, like a unicorn.”

“Find your inner unicorn and let it shine.”

“In a world full of ordinary, be a unicorn.” QUOTE ABOUT TIME AND LIFE

“Be a legend, like a majestic unicorn.”

“Unicorns are real, and so are your dreams.”

“Choose joy and sparkle, like a unicorn.”

“Dream big and believe in unicorns.”

“Let your imagination soar, like a mythical unicorn.”

“Life is magical, embrace the unicorn within.”

“Unleash your inner unicorn and let your true colors shine.”

“Wear your invisible crown, you are a unicorn!”

“Dare to be different, be a unicorn in a herd of horses.”

“Believe in yourself and the power of unicorns.”

“May your day be as magical as a unicorn’s horn.”