“A fake friend is like a shadow, always lurking but never there when you need them.”

“Fake friends are like autumn leaves, they’re only around when things are going well.”

“Sometimes the best way to say goodbye is to unfriend the fake friends poisoning your life.”

“When you remove fake friends from your life, you open up space for genuine connections.”

“Goodbye to the fake friends who only wanted to ride along for the good times.”

“Unfriend those who don’t support your dreams and make room for those who uplift and inspire you.”

“Fake friends are like fair-weather sails, they disappear when the storm hits.”

“Goodbye to the fake friends who only brought negativity to my life.”

“Sometimes stepping away from fake friends is the healthiest choice you can make for yourself.”

“Unfriend those who pretend to care but never take the time to truly listen.”

“Don’t waste your time and energy on people who don’t deserve it. Cut ties with fake friends and move on.”

“Goodbye to the friends who only wanted to be seen with me, but never really knew me.”

“Unfriend those who only reach out when they need something, but disappear when you need them.” QUOTES ABOUT LEAVE ME ALONE

“Fake friends are like empty balloons, all show and no substance.”

“It’s better to have a few genuine friends than a crowd of fake ones. Say goodbye to the fakes.”

“Unfriend those who are quick to judge and slow to understand.”

“Goodbye to the fake friends who only brought drama into my life.”

“Don’t waste your time trying to change someone who has no intention of being a true friend. Move on and find your tribe.”

“Unfriend those who are constantly negative and bring you down.”

“Goodbye to the friends who were only interested in what they could gain from the friendship.”

“Fake friends may be everywhere, but true friends are rare gems. Focus your energy on those who truly matter.”

“Unfriend those who don’t value your friendship and make room for those who do.”

“If someone shows you their true colors, believe them. Goodbye to the fake friends.”

“Unfriend those who only bring chaos and toxicity into your life.”

“Goodbye to the fake friends who never had your back and only cared about their own interests.”